


2445 Organics SuperGrow System 3 Tier Rack

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2445 Organics brings you the everything you need to grow with our 3 tier indoor grow rack. This system will feature everything you need to start growing your own food minus the seeds you choose to plant.

With this kit you will receive the following :

  • Grow Rack
  • Lights & Bulbs
  • Light Movers
  • Sprout Bins
  • Timer / Power Strip
  • (5) 20 Quart Soil Bags
  • 15 Lbs. Worm Power Granules
  • (8) 10×20 Planting Trays
  • Small Variety Of Seeds (Lettuce, Herbs, Shoots & Sprouts)

You will only have to buy one more cycle of five bags of soil while your first cycle is composting.*

*Individual results may vary and additional supplies may be needed.

Allow up to 30 days for delivery due to supply demands.

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2445 Organics SuperGrow System 3 Tier Rack
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